Predict from a fit_seir() object, possibly with a future prediction. By default, the projection uses the estimated f values (fraction of normal contacts encountered for those physical distancing). The function also includes functionality to specify a vector of fixed f values starting on a given future date.

  forecast_days = 0,
  f_fixed_start = NULL,
  f_fixed = NULL,
  f_multi = NULL,
  f_multi_seg = NULL,
  iter = seq_along(obj$post$R0),
  return_states = FALSE,
  imported_cases = 0,
  imported_window = 1,
  parallel = TRUE,
  X = obj$stan_data$X,



Output from fit_seir().


Number of projection days.


Optional day to start changing f. Must be set if f_fixed or f_multi is set. This is the day number to start, not the number of days into the projection. E.g., if 100 days were fitted to and f_fixed should start 5 days into the future, then f_fixed_start = 105.


An optional vector of fixed f values for the projection. Should be length forecast_days - (f_fixed_start - nrow(daily_cases) - 1). I.e. one value per day after f_fixed_start day.


Multiplicative vector of f values. Same structure as f_fixed.


Which f to use for f_multi.


MCMC iterations to include. Defaults to all.


Logical for whether to return the ODE states.


Number of cases to import starting on first projection day.


Number of days over which to distribute imported cases.


Use parallel processing via future and furrr?


An optional model matrix that acts additively on log expected cases.


Other arguments to pass to rstan::sampling().


A data frame:




Data-type column from the case data


Expected number of cases


Posterior predictive replicate observation


Posterior draw of phi, the NB2 dispersion parameter, if included


The MCMC iteration


Set a future::plan() and this function will operate in parallel across MCMC iterations using future and furrr.


cases <- c( 0, 0, 1, 3, 1, 8, 0, 6, 5, 0, 7, 7, 18, 9, 22, 38, 53, 45, 40, 77, 76, 48, 67, 78, 42, 66, 67, 92, 16, 70, 43, 53, 55, 53, 29, 26, 37, 25, 45, 34, 40, 35 ) # Example fixed sample fractions: s1 <- c(rep(0.1, 13), rep(0.2, length(cases) - 13)) # To use parallel processing with multiple chains: # options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores() / 2) # Using the MAP estimate for speed in this example: m <- fit_seir( cases, iter = 100, i0_prior = c(log(8), 0.2), samp_frac_fixed = s1, fit_type = "optimizing" )
#> Finding the MAP estimate.
#> MAP estimate: #> i0 R0 start_decline end_decline f_s[1] #> 7.33 3.13 14.82 21.58 0.22 #> phi[1] e #> 6.48 0.82 #> Mean in constrained space of MVN samples: #> i0 R0 start_decline end_decline f_s[1] #> 7.40 3.14 14.82 21.54 0.23 #> phi[1] e #> 7.23 0.83 #> SD in constrained space of MVN samples: #> i0 R0 start_decline end_decline f_s[1] #> 1.39 0.10 0.60 0.92 0.09 #> phi[1] e #> 2.64 0.05
p <- project_seir(m) p
#> # A tibble: 4,200 x 7 #> day data_type mu y_rep phi .iteration forecast #> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <lgl> #> 1 1 1 1.73 2 10.1 1 FALSE #> 2 2 1 1.99 0 10.1 1 FALSE #> 3 3 1 2.28 3 10.1 1 FALSE #> 4 4 1 2.61 1 10.1 1 FALSE #> 5 5 1 3.00 6 10.1 1 FALSE #> 6 6 1 3.44 4 10.1 1 FALSE #> 7 7 1 3.94 4 10.1 1 FALSE #> 8 8 1 4.52 4 10.1 1 FALSE #> 9 9 1 5.18 4 10.1 1 FALSE #> 10 10 1 5.94 2 10.1 1 FALSE #> # … with 4,190 more rows
obs_dat <- data.frame(day = seq_along(cases), value = cases) library(magrittr) # for %>%
#> #> Attaching package: ‘magrittr’
#> The following object is masked from ‘package:purrr’: #> #> set_names
tidy_seir(p) %>% plot_projection(obs_dat = obs_dat)
tidy_seir(p) %>% plot_residuals(obs_dat = obs_dat, obj = m)
# for parallel processing (optional) # future::plan(future::multisession) p <- project_seir(m, forecast_days = 100, f_fixed_start = 53, f_fixed = c(rep(0.7, 60), rep(0.2, 30)), iter = 1:25 ) p
#> # A tibble: 3,550 x 8 #> day data_type mu y_rep phi .iteration forecast f_fixed #> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <lgl> <lgl> #> 1 1 1 1.73 2 10.1 1 FALSE FALSE #> 2 2 1 1.99 1 10.1 1 FALSE FALSE #> 3 3 1 2.28 3 10.1 1 FALSE FALSE #> 4 4 1 2.61 2 10.1 1 FALSE FALSE #> 5 5 1 3.00 3 10.1 1 FALSE FALSE #> 6 6 1 3.44 1 10.1 1 FALSE FALSE #> 7 7 1 3.94 5 10.1 1 FALSE FALSE #> 8 8 1 4.52 2 10.1 1 FALSE FALSE #> 9 9 1 5.18 3 10.1 1 FALSE FALSE #> 10 10 1 5.94 6 10.1 1 FALSE FALSE #> # … with 3,540 more rows
tidy_seir(p) %>% plot_projection(obs_dat = obs_dat)
# fake example to show optional Rt colouring: proj <- tidy_seir(p) plot_projection(proj, obs_dat = obs_dat, Rt = rlnorm(nrow(proj)), col = "#00000050")
# Get threshold for increase: # future::plan(future::multisession) # for parallel processing (optional) # (only using 40 iterations for a fast example) thresh <- get_threshold(m, iter = 1:40, show_plot = TRUE)
#> Projecting 0.3 #> Projecting 0.47 #> Projecting 0.63 #> Projecting 0.8
#> [1] 0.5571626
# Get doubling time (prevalence is declining in this example) get_doubling_time(m, iter = 1:40, show_plot = TRUE)
#> [1] -12.206996 -9.120015 -12.842758 -9.945963 -7.811543 -6.515639 #> [7] -7.816685 -5.760329 -13.761678 -10.993012 -7.416578 -9.105512 #> [13] -17.026427 -12.731450 -8.465330 -6.481328 -6.337543 -7.559904 #> [19] -8.182519 -7.880885 -6.774119 -8.785315 -9.527219 -8.329275 #> [25] -10.806046 -8.668513 -7.900398 -35.571056 -6.880035 -9.164080 #> [31] -6.748669 -9.830272 -7.800595 -8.795443 -8.114695 -14.976421 #> [37] -13.397818 -6.696756 -15.460064 -8.028927
states_with_Rt <- get_rt(m) states_with_Rt
#> # A tibble: 28,900 x 15 #> .iteration time S E1 E2 I Q R Sd E1d E2d #> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> #> 1 1 -30 1.58e6 0.723 0.181 0.904 4.52e-8 1.81e-7 3.52e6 1.61 0.403 #> 2 1 -29.8 1.58e6 0.828 0.175 0.893 1.10e-2 4.52e-2 3.52e6 1.85 0.391 #> 3 1 -29.5 1.58e6 0.926 0.175 0.881 2.12e-2 9.03e-2 3.52e6 2.06 0.391 #> 4 1 -29.2 1.58e6 1.02 0.180 0.870 3.09e-2 1.35e-1 3.52e6 2.27 0.401 #> 5 1 -29 1.58e6 1.10 0.187 0.862 3.99e-2 1.81e-1 3.52e6 2.46 0.417 #> 6 1 -28.8 1.58e6 1.19 0.196 0.856 4.85e-2 2.26e-1 3.52e6 2.65 0.438 #> 7 1 -28.5 1.58e6 1.27 0.207 0.853 5.65e-2 2.71e-1 3.52e6 2.82 0.462 #> 8 1 -28.2 1.58e6 1.34 0.219 0.853 6.42e-2 3.17e-1 3.52e6 3.00 0.489 #> 9 1 -28 1.58e6 1.42 0.232 0.856 7.14e-2 3.63e-1 3.52e6 3.16 0.517 #> 10 1 -27.8 1.58e6 1.49 0.245 0.862 7.84e-2 4.10e-1 3.52e6 3.33 0.546 #> # … with 28,890 more rows, and 4 more variables: Id <dbl>, Qd <dbl>, Rd <dbl>, #> # Rt <dbl>
library(ggplot2) ggplot(states_with_Rt, aes(time, Rt, group = .iteration)) + geom_line(alpha = 0.5)
#> Warning: Removed 12000 row(s) containing missing values (geom_path).